Post Super Mario Galaxy 2 review of the original game. Yeah, I know everybody that likes platformers has already played it but, I thought that I had to do it justice since I put up my hackish review of my new favoirite game.

For all Mario fans out there the classic Super Mario 64 re-defined the platformer for a new generation of gamers. Then the long anticipated Super Mario Galaxy, what I consider to be the true sequel to Super Mario 64 (sorry Super Mario Sunshine!) re-defines the modern day platformer once again, and is a crowning achievement for the license, Nintendo, the Wii, and video games in general.

Princess Peach is in dire straits once again in Bowser’s clutches, and Mario embarks on an interstellar quest to save her. The first thing you’ll no doubt notice are the game’s incredibly stellar graphics. The Wii is far from a technical powerhouse, but Super Mario Galaxy is by far the absolute best looking game to hit the Wii yet.

The game’s take on gravity, physics, and puzzles combine to make for some of the most excellent level designs you’ll ever come across in your mission to save Peach and collect stars, and the flawless Wii-mote controls only make the gameplay experience even better.

Super Mario Galaxy Cover

There are a bunch of new Mario suits to enhance your abilities (some are easier to get a hang of than others), and the platforming elements, even though they’ve been taken to new levels here, are a Mario fan’s dream come true. If there’s any downsides to Super Mario Galaxy, it’s that the gravity and physics of the environments may cause some nautiousness for some, and the semi-co-op mode could have been done better, but the overall game is so good that these are extremely minor negatives.

All in all, Super Mario Galaxy is undoubtedly the best game to hit the Wii yet, and needless to say is an essential addition to your Wii library. For those that don’t own a Wii, give Super Mario Galaxy a try, you’ll be quite happy you did.